The Menon Lab

Advancing Optics, Nanofabrication & Computation.

Computational Photography

ECE 5475/6475; Learn by building your own camera.

Highlights from Spring 2024!
Highlights from Spring 2023!
Highlights from Spring 2023.
Highlights from Spring 2023.
In this project-based class, students will learn to: (1) build a simple imaging system using the arducam (or similar camera); (2) apply simple and not-so-simple image processing algorithms to your images; (3) build a simple machine-learning algorithm to recognize (classify) objects; and (4) explore unconventional cameras such as lens-free cameras, multi-spectral cameras, depth cameras, etc. The students are expected to work in small teams, and will use arducam (or similar low cost) camera modules. All hardware will be provided within reasonable cost. Preliminary knowledge of python or matlab (or similar programming language) is expected. The class is offered in a hybrid format, where meetings in the instructor’s lab and synchronized meetings on zoom will be interspersed throughout the semester. All resources, required code, documentation, papers will be provided. There is no single textbook.

This class is a combination of lectures, project work and independent study.

All student teams are expected to complete a technical (journal quality) paper to be submitted for peer review at the end of the semester.

Grading: 30% assignments; 35% class presentations; 35% final technical paper.

Class format: Hybrid. Zoom lectures & in class/lab meetings. Zoom info to be sent via canvas. Periodic in-person lectures will be in WEB 1460 (labs will be in MEB 1541). Meeting times will typically be Tue/Wed: 5-6pm.


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